Lapsed Data

Lapsed Data

It’s common in insurance that customers come and go, and this can be for a range of reasons. At the end of the day, you’re not a stranger to them and they know they can rely on you for their needs. We’ll contact your data on your behalf and fight to win back their business. 



Frequently Asked Questions

It will vary from customer to customer. Typically, you will need to find out exactly what they are looking for. In addition, what they are paying and then try to match as best as you can. You can also offer discounts on certain elements of the policy or entice them with freebies. Remember, you want them back. Do everything you can!

Send the customers details to us and we will upload them into our call centre to contact. Remember to include all necessary details so we know who we are contacting, how to contact them and what we are contacting them about.

Our Team Member

Georgie Curd
Team Leader
Laura Judd
Sales Manager
Kate Kelsey
Operations Manager